How do I cite sources posted on a Learning Management System (Blackboard, Brightspace, D2L, Canva, etc.)?
Last Updated: Feb 27, 2023 Views: 1349

If your instructor posted a link on your course site, cite the source using the APA or MLA citation rule for the type of source that you have. For example, if the link is to a PDF of a report found on a company’s website, use the citation template for citing documents posted on a website. My instructor posted a file of material they have created. If your instructor posted a file of material that they have created, such as lecture slides or lecture recordings, cite the material using the APA or MLA citation templates for class materials. My instructor posted a file of materials created by others. If your instructor posted a file of materials they haven’t created such as a scan of a short story from a book, or a PDF of a report written by an organization, use one of the following for citing the source:

  1. If you don’t have information on the author, title, publication date, and if applicable, the name of the larger source (e.g., book, journal, newspaper, magazine), use the APA or MLA citation template for citing class materials – handouts/documents.  
  2. If your instructor posted a PDF or copy of a journal article with DOI, use the APA or MLA citation template for citing journal articles with a DOI posted on a website.  
  3. If you have information about the author, title, publication date, and if applicable, the name of the larger source (e.g., book, journal, newspaper, magazine), you can generally use one of the following citation templates: -journal (no DOI)/newspaper/magazine article posted on a website -document/infographic posted on a website -book chapter posted on a website. Since you are accessing the source from a LMS instead of where it was originally posted, use the following format for the URL part of the citation: Name of LMS. Example: APA citation of an infographic posted on Learn@Seneca World Resources Institute. (2019, March). Greenhouse gas emissions over 165 years: Top ten emitters from 1850 to 2016 [Infographic]. Learn@Seneca.

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